Sunday, March 7, 2010

Meal Plan for 3/7-3/13

Last week didn't really follow anyone's plan. I found myself feeling really sick Tuesday evening, and got much worse overnight. We weren't sure if it was the stomach flu or something pregnancy-related, but I'm too far along for the regular clinic to see me about a suspected stomach flu. So we paid a visit to Labor & Delivery on Wednesday, followed by a visit to my usual Obstetrician on Thursday, who confirmed that it was both...a stomach bug + dehydration basically triggered early labor. Most most most importantly, the baby is ok. I guess he/she just figured "hey, if things are going to be crazy around here, maybe I'll take off early." But then everything settled down, and he/she did too. I'm no expert, but it does seem like this baby is going to show up earlier than 3/24, regardless.

With all that going on, I'm not sure what we managed to eat, but the freezer meals came in handy, as did the stockpile. Friday we ordered a big pile of Thai food, which we are still gnawing our way through two days later. Last night we did another cook-a-thon, this time with the Once-a-month Mom February menu, so that scored us another 11 meals for the freezer.

Here's what the plan looks like for this week:

  • leftovers
  • pork chops
  • country beef stew (crockpot)
  • steak and potatoes
  • turkey meatballs, sauce, noodles
  • two freezer meals
  • Bread!
The freezer also contains ribs, bacon, pork sausage, and a split chicken for whatever comes next.

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